
Spectrum Auctions training course

Location: Hybrid
Date: 09/10/2025 - 10/10/2025

This training is being offered in October 2025. It offers regulators and commercial organisations the opportunity to experience both theory and practice.

Spectrum Auctions training course is a practical learning experience as well as a chance to learn the lessons of recent auctions. You will take part in a variety of auctions using the latest online software with leading experts to guide you through the key principles and potential pitfalls. 

  • Prepare for forthcoming auctions
  • Take part in mock auctions using the latest online auction software
  • Learn lessons from recent awards
  • Interact with tutors and other delegates to explore best practice

Why attend this course?

Spectrum auctions have gone from being a US and European phenomenon to becoming the global standard. We can expect a full programme of spectrum release over the coming years, including 700 MHz, 2.3 GHz; 3.5 GHz; L-band; as well as the refarming of existing mobile bands and the award of mmWave bands for 5G.

Part of the purpose of this course is to learn the lessons of recent auctions, particularly the large multi-band processes in Switzerland, Germany, Ireland, the UK and India, the incentive auction in the US and problematic auctions like those in Poland and the Czech Republic.

Another aim is to consider the new challenges for upcoming auctions. With the wider policy focus shifting from competition to broadband deployment do we need to re-think the emphasis on encouraging new entrants? Are auctions still delivering the full maximum social and economic benefits? Are other assignment mechanisms better suited in some circumstances, such as mmWave in 5G?

As enthusiasm for the Combinatorial Clock Auction wanes, we examine whether the format is fatally flawed or still suitable in some circumstances?

This course will help you assess those issues using not just theoretical means but also the practical experience gained by taking part in a variety of online auctions.

Never has the success of spectrum auctions been more crucial to the fortunes of companies or national economies and this course is designed to help you make informed choices in this vital area.

PolicyTracker’s two day Valuing the Spectrum training course is held immediately before the Auctions Masterclass. It examines the valuation issues essential to a successful auction and the content of the two courses are complementary. There is a discount for booking both courses together.

The benefits of the course

  • Practical experience: an opportunity to test strategies in a ‘safe’ environment
  • Taught by expert practitioners including Dr Andy Hudson
  • No other comparable training available – a unique opportunity
  • Comprehensive study materials included
  • A chance to learn from colleagues from other countries
  • Excellent value for money
  • Certificate on completion of the course

Who should attend?

The course is aimed at people who either work for regulators or for commercial organisations who are likely to take part in spectrum auctions. The programme is particularly relevant for the following fields: mobile; broadcasting; wireless broadband; electronics manufacturers; and some public sector spectrum users such as defence.
The content is well suited to three groups of people:

  • Executives preparing for forthcoming spectrum auctions
  • Those who want practical experience of taking part in an auction
  • Those wanting to familiarise themselves with the latest thinking in the field

Course format

The course is delivered through a flexible combination of lectures, exercises, practical demonstrations, mock auctions, feedback and review sessions, and ‘question and answer’ sessions with expert speakers. It blends the latest theory and learning with highly interactive practical learning. Class size is limited.

How do I find out more?

Fill in this form to receive our brochure, which contains full details of the programme, as well as further information.


The online version of this course costs £500 + VAT if booked two weeks or more in advance, and £600 + VAT thereafter.  Full details are given in the table below.

If you register for the Valuing the Spectrum training course as well, there is a further reduction of £100.

Course Early bird price Standard price Early bird price Standard price
Online attendance In-person attendance
Valuing the Spectrum £500 £600 £700 £800
Spectrum Auctions Training £500 £600 £700 £800
Both courses £900 £1100 £1300 £1500
All prices are plus VAT if applicable

Please note: non-UK residents do not have to pay VAT for virtual attendance as long as they provide their VAT number. For in-person attendees, VAT at 20% is payable but employees of foreign governments are exempt.

Book online here!

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