Terms and conditions
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PolicyTracker Newsletter
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PolicyTracker Spectrum Research Service
- The Spectrum Research Service comprises the following services:
- The PolicyTracker Newsletter: an online news service published several times a week covering global spectrum policy
- PolicyTracker Research Notes: an online service comprising specially written analysis grouped by theme e.g. by band, country, operator or manufacturer, illustrated with graphs and data drawn from the PolicyTracker Spectrum Database and other sources
- The Auctions Tracker Service: information about upcoming auctions which can also be viewed directly
- The PolicyTracker Spectrum Database: allocation, assignment and MHz/pop data in over 120 countries which can be viewed online, in Google sheets or as an Excel file
- The PolicyTracker Spectrum Handbook – a yearly narrative report delivered as a PDF examining trends in current and future mobile frequencies as well as explaining and analysing spectrum policy in leading economies and examining the views of key stakeholders.
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PolicyTracker Public Research Reports
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Fair use policy
This applies to the following:
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PolicyTracker webinars
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Payment terms
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