The Council of the EU has discussed and approved the white paper published by the European Commission last year but has not endorsed all of its spectrum policy proposals.
The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) has extended its general assignment of the 1880—1900 MHz band for DECT by 10 years.
Mexico, Brazil and Argentina have stripped powers from their telecom regulators, suggesting a shift from technical to political regulation.

Artificial intelligence could refine interference rules and enable more efficient spectrum use, but its use in spectrum management remains theoretical.
Opting for this approach will be divisive and could lead to inefficient spectrum outcomes.
ACMA, the country’s regulator, has decided the upper 6 GHz band should be shared between IMT and unlicensed/Wi-Fi use.

The Armenian regulator could launch the country’s 2300—2400 MHz and 3600—3800 MHz tender this year.

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The regulator ACMA awarded 47 licences in the 3.8 GHz band, mainly to specialist telcos, government users and industry, with a particular focus on the mining sector.