
Sharing is good for you!

Spectrum sharing mechanisms to enable more efficient use of publicly held spectrum are expected to be a key focus of the independent audit being undertaken by Warwick University’s Professor Martin…

Ofcom talks tough in front of MPs

Ofcom maintained its strong line on BT’s delivery of equivalence when the regulator appeared before an influential UK parliament committee.

Ofcom talks tough in front of MPs

Ofcom maintained its strong line on BT’s delivery of equivalence when the regulator appeared before an influential UK parliament committee.

Equivalence: revolution or more of the same?

BT says its new regulatory proposals are the furthest any incumbent has gone in guaranteeing fair treatment for its competitors. Not surprisingly other telcos are sceptical.

New general tries to motivate the troops

EU member states seem to have forgotten about the Lisbon goal of leading the world information economy, but InfoSoc Commissioner Viviane Reding wants to drum up some enthusiasm with her…

BPL: one step forward two steps back

All will be quiet on the Broadband over Powerline (BPL) front until April when it is hoped that yet another document will be circulated for vote in the bid to…

Arguing over the inheritance

Analogue TV isn’t dead yet but the negotiations on what to do with the free spectrum are proving complex. Can technology neutrality be the principle for allocation? And will the…

VoiP poised for take off

The European Regulators Group (ERG) has sent a clear signal that it is committed to creating a regulatory environment where Voice over IP (VoiP) services can rapidly flourish.

Lost in Translation

One of the greatest challenges facing Europe is the linguistic variety in the Internal market, both a blessing of cultural diversity but also a barrier to cross-border deployment of services.