The UK regulator, Ofcom, has been stripped of the freedom to set its own timetable for re-investigating competition cases.
The European Commission has made a recommendation aimed specifically at broadband over powerline communications (PLC) systems but rumour mongering continues to hinder widespread adoption of the technology.
Lobbying campaigns are intensifying as Europe’s regulators prepare for a meeting crucial to determining future allocations in the 2.5 Ghz band.
Dr Thomas W Hazlett, former FCC chief economist and leading US expert on spectrum policy, tells PolicyTracker that the currently fashionable commons approach has more limitations than uses.
Since spectrum trading was introduced in the UK at the end of December the radiocomms industry has been keeping a close watch on the Ofcom website, looking out for the…
The imminent arrival of UWB devices in the US consumer market has intensified pressure to finalise a European regulatory approach.
The implementation of Europe’s now not so new regulatory framework could be stifling competition given the recent rapid changes in the way that voice is delivered over networks.
To achieve the Lisbon agenda do we need a rollback of telecoms regulation to stimulate investment in Next Generation Networks?
Making any sort of prediction is notoriously difficult but given the dynamic and volatile nature of mobile telecommunications the task set for the Institute of Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) was…
The debate surrounding the liberalisation of the airwaves will intensify in the coming weeks as the UK communications regulator, Ofcom, begins its analysis of stakeholder responses.
After stormy dicussions regulators have made progress towards a pan-European framework for UWB.
The new Slovenian regulator is being true to his early promises of actively levelling the telecoms playing field but some operators now say he is moving too fast.
The regulatory process expected to lead to a co-ordinated EU policy approach to the spectrum for WAPECS is gathering momentum but is the European Commission trying to have its cake…
In a move that could be the prelude to a battle on mobile call termination, the European Commission has expressed ‘serious doubts’ over the German regulator’s market analysis results for…
Lengthy debate and plenty of disagreement has characterised the Ultra Wide Band discussions at the CEPT meeting underway in the Italian city of Sorrento this week.