Consultants have been appointed to find ways of ending the uncertainty about spectrum rights which many believe has hindered the development of trading in the UK.
The industry has greeted the final report of Ofcoms Telecoms Strategic Review with unprecedented unanimity. But does it show the limitations of the EU regulatory toolkit?
Ofcom’s new regulatory settlement with UK incumbent, BT, is in line with expectations but includes amendments which address concerns expressed by the company’s competitors.
The intellectual property rights (IPR) policies of standards organisations have long been under scrutiny but have come under the media spotlight in recent weeks.
The first report detailing the early findings of the Spectrum Audit Review which was expected out this week has been a delayed by the few weeks.
A consultation due out this week detailing the early findings of the Spectrum Audit Review has been postponed by a few weeks.
Over the coming months PolicyTracker will be examining the key issues for next year’s Regional Radiocommunication Conference. This month we’re looking at terrestrial high definition television.
The European Parliament's rejection of a proposal by four influential member states to introduce an EU-wide system for the retention of electronic traffic data this week has received a mixed…
ART has agreed to hold back from imposing SMP obligations in the mobile sector until it analyses the impact of MVNOs.
It has been called an elaborate chess game between the European Commission and the German authorities and the prelude to the big battle on mobile call termination rates but is…
The European Commission (EC) is calling for a coordinated but flexible approach to digital switchover, which will make maximum use of the spectrum released after the analogue signal is turned…
The BBC has conducted a number of experiments that have confirmed that if powerline transmission (PLT) is used in the same spectrum as a radio service, interference and conflict is…
Regulatory pressure to ensure that ADSL broadband did not cause interference may have been successful in ensuring peaceful co-existence with other services but the failure to address the flip side…
The commercial sector is casting a critical eye over the EU’s anti-spam legislation, which has now been in force for more than 1000 days. Some new proposals are on the…
The commercial sector is casting a critical eye over the EU’s anti-spam legislation, which has now been in force for more than 1000 days. Some new proposals are on the…