
Are the stakes as high as €14B a year?

The enormous number of responses to the EC’s 2.5 GHz consultation shows how important this is to the industry. Most responses are in favour of technology neutrality but there are…

EU spectrum reform moves up a gear

European Commission proposals for regional harmonisation and liberalisation of spectrum management have been placed before the powers that be this month in a bid to raise political profile at an…

New initiative may resolve powerline interference row

National standards bodies in Europe are developing responses to a controversial draft standard for wireline network emissions criticised by some as a cover for lowering the bar for broadband over…

RSA: the solution to trading government spectrum?

Ironing out the complexities that could emerge from plans to shoehorn UK public sector usage into Recognised Spectrum Access will be a priority for spectrum audit team in the coming…

The smart way forward for spectrum managers

Smart radios have the potential to revolutionise spectrum management so why then do policy makers seem so reluctant to authorise the technologies for widespread civil use?

Can spectrum licensing breach human rights law?

Some forms of wireless licensing could contravene international human rights law, according to the respected pressure group. Article 19, which campaigns for freedom of expression.

US considers allowing mobile use on planes

The US is taking the lead in reviewing whether fears about plane safety and compromising the efficiency of mobile networks justify the current ban on airborne use of cell phones.