
Outlook for 2006: broadcast spectrum

Allocating the digital dividend is becoming a battleground rather than a distant dream as RRC 06 approaches and the market begins to see the possibilities offered by pan-European mobile services.

UK regulator makes spectrum a priority

Ofcom has made releasing and liberalising spectrum one of its nine priorities for 2006 outlined in its Annual Plan. The first public meeting to discuss the Annual Plan is being…

The big issues for 2006

PolicyTracker predicts the year will be dominated by RRC-06; the decision on technology neutrality in 2.5 GHz and the review of the Communciations Framework Directive.

WAPECS: prepare for the long haul

The European Commission’s Radio Spectrum Policy Group has published its opinion on WAPECS but does the Radio Spectrum Committee have the guts to makes concrete progress with this new approach?

First UK spectrum trades ‘any day now’

Ofcom is bullish about the success of spectrum trading even though the scheme has been in place for for nearly a year without a completed ‘pure spectrum’ transaction.

Sharing is not always good for you

A study into the possibility of band sharing between Ultra Wide Band devices and the Radio Astronomy Service (RAS) in the UK has concluded that more work is required.