The first “pure spectrum” trade has gained regulatory approval heralding a new policy era for the whole of the European Union.
More than a year after the UK became the first EU member state to comprehensively introduce spectrum trading the first deal has been agreed and is now awaiting regulatory approval.
Professor Martin Cave, widely regarded as the founding father of spectrum trading in the UK has welcomed a ground breaking agreement between two companies to transfer their fixed wireless access…
Ofcom, the unitary regulator set up in 2003, has announced its first spectrum auction.
After the collapse of the IEEE’s efforts the WiMedia camp is now hoping that its non-proprietary approach will win the standards race.
The technology is already here to establish an exchange where frequencies are bought by the minute says former FCC senior technical officer Michael Marcus. He argues that these can even…
The depth of broadcasters’ opposition to the introduction of trading in the radio and TV bands is becoming clear. Are the proposals of little practical use or is this the…
While policy makers plan for the introduction of Europe-wide digital broadcasting services in VHF band III UK mobile radio users say this could cause interference and require massive infrastructure investment.
Spectrum liberalisation has certainly helped invigorate the country’s telecoms market but it has created problems like spectrum hoarding and left the broadcasting market vulnerable to new political pressures.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is due to sound a warning over the potential for providers of unlicensed WiMAX networks to effectively monopolise broadband access in certain areas.
Utility companies fear that the introduction of trading in the mobile bands could squeeze out those emergency services where a guaranteed connection is essential.
Austria, which now holds the EU presidency, is to press ahead with the spectrum reform agenda pursued by the UK.
Some progress but interference remains a concern
The theoretical concepts behind WAPECS are being exposed to real life problems
2005 has seen Europe’s first agreement on a draft standard for UWB