Ofcom is expected to announce the winners of the DECT guard band auction early next week.
The auction of 3G-compatible spectrum this summer is exciting both controversy and commercial interest. While it's unlikely to generate proportionately as much as the European 3G auctions the government is…
Flexible access to the radio spectrum requires all interference benchmarks to be pre-defined, argues a new book. Countries relying on self-regulation will place an unfair burden on industry says its…
The first spectrum auction since the UK’s unitary regulator Ofcom was set up in 2003 will take place on Thursday April 20.
The millions of Euros spent on developing UWB has delivered results, says the head of the Pulsers project, but progress depends on judging the technology by its own merits.
The full text of the responses from InfoSoc and Media Commissioner Viviane Reding.
The European Commission has accepted that it can’t get regulators in the Radio Spectrum Committee to agree on EU-wide access to the 2.5 GHz band for technologies like WiMAX.
Ofcom has put forward proposals for auctioning L-band, which is expected to generate substantial interest because of the amount of spectrum available (40 MHz) and its ability to deliver mobile…
In what is being viewed as a bid by the European Commission to remove any obstacles to the rollout of broadband, work on a network emission standard has been suspended…
Tell the world you have a technology that will save lives and you’ve got a successful press campaign but given existing spectrum constraints can safety in the Intelligent Car ever…
Are there grounds for legal action over the allocation of the 2.5 GHz band? Elements within the 3G and WiMAX communities both believe they have a case, but lawyers are…
Does it matter that the dream of allowing alternative mobile broadband services across Europe in the 2.5 GHz band has been thwarted yet again? South Korea may soon give us…
Another step towards an Orwellian world or an aid to better customer relations?
The broadcasting, wireless and mobile sectors are all keen to make use of the digital dividend but their plans are being frustrated by the difficulties of predicting which frequencies will…
The forthcoming ITU Regional Radio Conference of 2006 may herald the dawn of TV’s digital era but electronic communications services - not classified as broadcasting – may not get access…