
Analogue equipment dumping could delay switchover

Digital switchover in parts of Region 1 of the International Telecommunication Union could be delayed if richer countries are not curtailed from dumping analogue equipment in poorer areas.

RRC-06 plan delivers the goods for broadcasting services

The results of the Regional Radio Conference of 2006 may look ‘promising’ but whether the compromise agreement for flexible use of frequency allocations for non-broadcast purposes goes far enough, remains…

Will Ofcom’s spectrum usage rights deliver?

With the closure of its consultation this week, Ofcom edges a step closer to defining spectrum usage rights. Here Australia’s Michael Whittaker explains why he thinks the UK’s communications regulator…

2015: RRC-06 sets date for all digital future

The Regional Radiocommunications Conference of 2006 is proving to be a sensitive and complex affair but PolicyTracker has learnt that 2015 is the expected date for analogue switch off across…

Standards battle over RFID tags likely

Tumbling costs may have caused an explosion of Radio Frequency Identification tags in recent years, but problems with international compatibility, interference and privacy remain.

France takes the lead in GSM re-farming

It is technically possible to use the GSM bands for 3G says the European regulators organisation, CEPT, but so far only France has agreed to do this and a consistent…

Sparks fly at RRC-06 over technology neutrality

One of the central policy objectives of the European Commission is said to be coming under pressure at the Regional Radio Conference in Geneva where now, in the third week,…

Digital TV battle in Norway settled

After long and hard negotiations the concession to build Norway’s new digital television network has gone to NTV (Norges Televisjon), owned jointly by the three terrestrial channels.

Opinion: Into the brave new digital world

Julian McGougan of broadcasting transmission company Arqiva considers the role of the regulator in maximising the digital dividend and questions whether even the most liberal economies can ever leave this…