Our printed edition this month focuses on the European Commission’s proposals for making spectrum liberalisation part of the EU Regulatory Framework. Their approach seems radical but masks fundamental differences between…
Today the UK communications regulator Ofcom acknowledged that more work is needed on the question of Spectrum Usage Rights. Is there anything Europe can learn from the recent furore over…
Liberalising the IMT-2000 expansion band will fragment the 3G market says the GSMA. No, says Brussels and the WiMAX lobby – UMTS is big enough to look after itself. Here…
Plenty of energy has been expended in recent months investigating the possibilities for licence-exempt spectrum. While studies in Europe reveal that there is no significant demand for it, does it…
Tardy decision making processes are delaying the arrival of UWB products on Europe’s shores. However, with the success of low power transmitters like iTrip perhaps regulators will eventually have to…
It has taken over a year but UK super-regulator Ofcom has decided that bar a few changes to the draft text, the award of the bands 412-414 MHz paired with…
With plans for a digital world in motion post RRC-06, European regulators must now consider licensing procedures that maximise any “digital dividend”. Here two lawyers tell us about Norway’s flexible…
Last week Viviane Reding defied the recommendation made in European Commission’s own impact assessment relating to the review of EU telecoms rules by publicly calling for a pan-EU spectrum agency.…
In a bid to fuel competition, Norway’s Ministry of Transport and Communications has invited interested parties to bid for its fourth 3G licence.
Norway’s protracted debate over the building of a DTT network is over but concerns remain over the Culture Ministry’s role in granting the concession to a consortium part-owned by NRK,…
Europe is taking an important step towards spectrum liberalisation with Germany and France announcing that they will gradually introduce the ability to independently trade spectrum licences.
RRC-06 may be criticised as inefficient and outdated, but a declaration agreed towards the end of the proceedings could see European countries forging ahead with non-TV services in the UHF…
The communications framework review - published today - contains familiar proposals, including trading and service and technology neutrality, but the unexpected bombshell is the creation of a pan-European spectrum regulator.
Our theme this month is RRC-06 and there is both good and bad news for those hoping to operate new services in the released analogue TV frequencies.
No major obstacles seem to be barring the inevitable introduction of mobile phone use on aircraft, with all responses to Ofcom’s consultation paper now in post the June 23 deadline.