
MEPs debate spectrum policy

A hearing on spectrum policy is being held at the European Parliament tomorrow evening (3.10.06).

Trading will not bridge the digital divide

A technology neutral approach to spectrum licensing is popular in Africa but there is little appetite for full liberalisation. Quite right too, says one of Europe’s leading liberalisers.

National security impacts auction outcome

The US Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) Advanced Wireless Service (AWS) auction closed this month with T-Mobile topping the bids at around $4.2 million but revenues generated may have been dampened…

All eyes on Europe’s double D

The European Commission (EC) has been feeling its way in the dark as it moves to define a policy for future use of the digital dividend. A tentative position is…

Critics unconvinced by FCC “white space” plans

The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has announced plans for unlicensed devices to gain access to the coveted television broadcast spectrum below 900 MHz, but is this anything more than…

South Africa aims for 2010 digital kick off

The World Cup is driving South African policy makers to quickly define a strategy for digital migration with an unofficial target for dual illumination of the two networks set to…

NextGenTel wins Norway’s 2.3 GHz auction

It took a day and 16 rounds to conclude the Norwegian 2.3 GHz auction. NextGenTel made the highest bid forking out EUR 850 000 for its licence to use the…

Legal ruling gives boost to GSM gateways

The UK’s Competition Appeals Tribunal has dismissed claims by the regulator Ofcom that a banned technique used to cut the cost of calling mobile phones breached laws on the use…

PMSE spectrum users fear the future

Pan-European harmonisation of spectrum for Programme Making and Special Events is not an option, says Ofcom. What then is the future of UK radio mic users post digital switchover?