The widely anticipated Communication on mobile TV, which industry hopes will clarify whether the Commission intends to mandate DVB-H, will be published on Wednesday 18 July.
France's mobile operators will be able to reuse the GSM bands for third generation services as early as next year under an arrangement which also covers access to the bands…
The Swedish government will decide on the use of freed-up analogue television spectrum by the end of the year, ministers said at a parliamentary hearing on digital TV. Switch-off is…
Ofcom is to introduce a market-based pricing system for digital TV and radio, rejecting claims that this is economically inefficient, will damage programming and prolong uncertainty over broadcasters' funding.
Our top story this month is the latest development in the battle to get WiMAX accepted as part of the IMT-2000 family of technologies.
The battle to get WiMAX included as a part of the IMT-2000 family took an unexpected turn at the ITU-R Study Group 8 meeting in Geneva on June 25 and…
The UK regulator has watered down plans to apply market principles to spectrum for wireless mics but PMSE users say they still need more details.
The Canadian government has asked a leading European expert, Professor Martin Cave, for advice on liberalising the country's spectrum management regime.
The Commission’s harmonisation of frequencies for mobile satellite services was warmly welcomed by operators. But how should the licences be awarded, how can national approaches be co-ordinated and can the…
HDTV means the existing unlicensed bands will soon run out of capacity says Philips but not all regulators agree.
Spectrum management is more complex than usually imagined, argues Gerard Pogorel. There are nine possible regimes, not just command and control, market or commons, and it is more productive to…
A European regulators working group has agreed a deal on harmonising a UHF sub band for mobile, but how many countries will actually implement this and does the voluntary nature…
The final proposals for the European Commission's review of the Electronic Communications Framework - which have spectrum liberalisation as their centrepiece -will not now be published until October.
A working group of the European regulators organisation, CEPT, has made a recommendation on creating a harmonised sub-band for mobile services in the digital dividend frequencies.
Consensus seems to be building on creating a harmonised European sub-band for mobile services in the digital dividend frequencies. However, could this be undermined by Europe’s failure to call for…