The consensus amongst US analysts is that this week's US$2.5bn buyout of Aloha Partners' 12MHz block of 700MHz spectrum by AT&T has major ramifications for January’s auction of a much…
The troubled 169 MHz band, once set aside for the failed ERMES pan-European paging system, is unlikely to be used for its new purposes either says UK regulator Ofcom.
The long term financial benefits of allowing the mobile communications industry to use most of the digital dividend far exceed what would be achieved by majority TV usage, according to…
Following a consultation process which ended last month, the New Zealand Government is drawing up the final rules for an auction of 75 MHz of spectrum in the 2.3 GHz…
Our top story this month is the review of the EU Framework Directive.
Only one stakeholder has so far supported the European Commission’s proposal for a regional regulator. For many an extra layer of bureaucracy would undermine existing good practice, for others it…
Despite the difficulties global agreement on admitting WiMAX into the IMT-2000 standards family is still achievable, according to an ITU official. And even if it is rejected there are still…
The new round of 2.5GHz auctions, starting with Norway in November and followed by Sweden and the UK, could show regulators whether complex auction design is necessary to achieve the…
As part of its drive towards liberalisation PTS has created a new Spectrum Markets Department.
Norway has announced the auction rules for 2.6Hz, a key target for mobile WiMAX. The auction will be held in November.
Ofcom seeks to implement European decision on 2G re-farming by offering three blocks of 900MHz spectrum for auction in 2010
Microsoft says its whitespace prototype does work and poor FCC test results were caused by a faulty device. Broadcasters cry foul and respond with TV ads warning that whitespace devices…
Top American mobile phone operator Verizon is trying to throw a legal spanner in the works following the US regulator’s decision to change the rules for part of the digital…
The draft proposals for the review of the Framework Directive call for the setting up of a body whose duties would include assigning frequencies for cross-border services and collecting the…
EU Member states won't be allowed to reserve the digital dividend for broadcasting under controversial proposals circulated today