
UWB debate inches forward

Fears that there may not be a fixed cut-off date for the operation of Ultra Wide Band (UWB) devices in the 4.2 to 4.8 GHz band have been allayed by…

Irish chair hangs up the regulatory whip

Isolde Goggin, the chairperson of the Irish Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) will be ‘hanging up her civil and criminal enforcement mechanisms’ at the end of next week.

Norway opens doors for new technologies

In what is expected to be a first for Europe, Norway is to auction technology neutral and tradable licences to use the coveted 2500-2690 MHz frequencies in the second quarter…

Study on licence-free spectrum published

A consultants’ report – paid for by the European Commission - which calls for more mandatory unlicensed bands is now available for download.

Military spectrum under fire

It has been called the lifeblood of the battlefield but in the future the military’s radio spectrum could be threatened by commercial terrestrial services. The need for military action is…

Analysis: A European spectrum space?

How achievable is European spectrum harmonisation? A group of experts are calling for more mandatory common bands while three member states face infringement proceedings for failing to implement the existing…

First attempt to enforce EU spectrum agreements

For the first time, the European Commission has invoked the process which could lead to formal infringement proceedings against member states for failing to comply with an agreement relating to…