
2008 to set the mould for spectrum auctions

PolicyTracker estimates at least 15 auctions of bands crucial to the future of broadband wireless and mobile services will be held this year. These could answer key questions about pricing…

2007 Review – Foundations laid for mass-market UWB

Usage of unlicensed spectrum using both ultra-wideband (UWB) technology in the 3.4 to 9GHz part of the spectrum and WirelessHD technology at 60GHz crept tantalisingly closer in Europe during 2007.

Cognitive radio gets headstart in Europe

With Europe's regulators close to making a recommendation on cognitive radio Ofcom has adopted the US approach of allowing the technology to be used in the TV bands provided it…

Repeal of GSM directive delayed

The agreement between EU member states to allow 900MHz and 1800MHz to be used for technologies other than 2G has not been passed into law as expected because of procedural…