Companies can see which bands are available for trading and who currently holds the licences using websites developed by the French communications regulator, ARCEP.
Over a dozen national licences are to be released in the 26GHz band in Ireland this summer with the market deciding the split between point-to-point and point-to-multipoint services.
TV executives and manufacturers say the regulator's plan to reassign the digital multiplexes to provide terrestrial HDTV is impractical because it relies on an untested technology which is unlikely to…
In her Barcelona speech InfoSoc Commissioner Viviane Reding urged the mobile industry to lobby the European Parliament over re-farming and persuade national politicians to take swifter action over the digital…
As the latest SUR consultation closes Michael Whittaker contrasts the UK and Australian model of flexible spectrum licensing and finds Ofcom’s offering wanting.
The scientific community is set to enjoy better protection for its research services after the World Radio Conference agreed clearer definitions for recommended and mandatory sharing.
UK developments suggest the release or sharing of armed forces spectrum may be closer than is often thought. Using the military’s own anti-jamming technologies may overcome some of the interference…
The first ruling from the European Court of Justice on frequency management under the EU regulatory framework contains a strong rebuke for Italy for freezing out new entrants in the…
The European court of justice has ruled that Italy has breached community law by giving a TV company a broadcasting licence but failing to give it a frequency allocation.
There is speculation about who might take over when Valery Timofeev steps down at the end of his eight year tenure.
Our top story this month is an analysis of the auctions taking place in key mobile and wireless broadband frequencies this year.
The WAPECs generic licensing framework should pass its final hurdle in a few weeks but adoption across the member states looks likely to be gradual and patchy. Further work is…
The long-awaited 700MHz auction in the US, often hyped up as the “100-year auction” kicks off today (January 24) amid intense speculation and not a little controversy.
Regulator BNetzA has proposed auctioning spectrum in the 1.8GHz, 2GHz and 2.6GHz bands for digital cellular mobile communications. But criticism of its regulatory approach has sparked lawsuits that appear to…
ITU-R study groups are to examine the implications of these two technologies which could revolutionize the broadband market, as well as considering how the radio regulations should deal with convergence.