
Sale of the century comes to an end

America’s 'hundred-year auction', the 700MHz auction selling off prime spectrum released by switching off the analogue broadcasting signal, has finally closed.

Growing support for set top box subsidies

Giving TV viewers a financial incentive to upgrade to more spectrally efficient set top boxes is gaining influential backers and looking increasingly attractive as a way of getting more services…

Should we re-invent ourselves?

The European Regulators group, CEPT, is asking whether its role needs to be revised in response to Brussels’ proposal for a pan-European regulator and other developments.

ITU invites proposals for ‘4G’

This month the Radiocommunication Bureau is due to solicit candidate technologies for IMT-Advanced, popularly known as '4G'

Brussels softens line on digital dividend

The European Commission has retreated from the idea of mandating policy on analogue TV spectrum release and is now advocating broad political buy-in and detailed impact assessments.

Commercial deployment of UWB only weeks away

Ultra-wideband technology has finally arrived in the EU following the passing of an official standard, the adoption of enabling legislation by all major member states, and the first product getting…