A European regulators study group has completed its report on using the interleaved or white space spectrum between digital broadcasts. While this makes several recommendations it says further work is…
While EU telecoms ministers will only hear progress reports on the review of the framework directive more significant developments are expected on digital switchover policy.
Ofcom has postponed the sale of this key WiMAX and 3G band pending the outcome of legal action by mobile operators T-Mobile and O2
The select group of companies with a keen interest in using military spectrum have welcomed the UK Ministry of Defence’s liberalisation initiative. However, for most firms their main focus of…
It is health services and the transport sector that will be transformed by wireless technologies over the next decade says the UK regulator, not the communications industry
Spectrum needs to be viewed as just another infrastructure asset in a technology and service neutral environment, argues Christoph Legutko, particularly when dealing with the digital dividend.
This month we reflect on the significance of Europe's first major spectrum auctions this year: 2.6GHz in Sweden and L-band in the UK.
The Ministry of Defence expects to begin freeing up military frequencies for commercial use next spring. First in line will be the 406.1- 430MHz band, but as many as 186…
The two major auctions in Sweden and the UK this month have seen Intel and Qualcomm buy spectrum in order to stimulate the development of their products. Is this the…
A compromise designed to guarantee rural access for EU-wide mobile satellite services in 2GHz has won the overwhelming backing of MEPs.
Ofcom say they are pleased with the results of the L-Band auction even though major players in the UK market had urged them not to use the new technology-neutral licenses…
Another consultants report argues that mobile access to the digital dividend would bring significant economic benefits. The latest analysis claims the benefit would come mainly from broadband data access using…
The US-based wireless technology company, Qualcomm, has bought all 17 lots in the UK’s 1452-1492 MHz auction for a total of £8,334,000 (10.7 million euros). The auction took five days…
Australian government spectrum use could be more transparent and more efficient says an independent review which also recommends increased use of market mechanisms and more sharing.
The sale of 2.6GHz in Sweden has raised considerably more than a similar auction in Norway. Will we now see more spectrum purchases by manufacturers seeking to boost the sales…