Our top story this month is the implications for spectrum managers of the growth in machine-to-machine communications
A half way house between unlicensed access and exclusive spectrum property rights – known as a Managed Spectrum Park - is on target to open in New Zealand in the…
Much of the South African telecoms industry is getting impatient with the slow progress towards implementing legislation which will, among other things, introduce technology and service neutral licensing.
The European Commission has invited applications to operate mobile satellite services across the whole EU, the first time a spectrum assignment decision has been made on a pan-European basis.
European public safety services are pressing for a share of the digital dividend pie. Top on their wish list is harmonised spectrum in the UHF range for data and broadband…
Regulator Ofcom has announced that they will not be inviting applications for the 2.6 GHz auction until November at the earliest. The delay is due to continuing legal action.
In the coming decades the 3.5 billion cellphone customers who use the radio spectrum will be joined by 50 billion machines communicating with other machines. Are regulators and standards bodies…
A new EC decision published this week has harmonised spectrum in the 5875 to 5905M Hz band across the EU for use by Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).
The large number of auctions over the next few years mean that tried-and-tested rationales for acquiring new frequencies need to be re-examined, argues Susan Sweet of Mott MacDonald Schema
The Toia report is a big step forward says GSMA but the task now is to convince member states. Although the report has won the support of the Industry Committee…
The US government has unveiled an ambitious strategy for managing federal spectrum that could ultimately include sharing, trading and the payment of user fees. But experts wonder whether it will…
Our top story this month is the European Parliament’s vote on the review of the Telecoms Directive.
A new study by Ofcom means the UK regulator should shortly have its first picture of exactly how spectrum is being used in most of the country. This has huge…
What may be Canada’s most successful spectrum auction from the point of view of both contribution to government coffers and new market entrants came to an end this week.
The European Parliament says a major EU conference is needed to stimulate convergence in spectrum policies across the member states.