More detailed information from The Australian Communications and Media Authority underline the difficulties of making international comparisons about spectrum trading.
Viviane Reding sees so little prospect of achieving a useful compromise at the forthcoming Telecoms Council meeting she is hoping EU regulators will drive progress on spectrum policy, especially the…
America has scored a world first in approving the use of whitespace devices. The same FCC meeting which made the decision also gave the green light to create a national…
The furore over the eventual admittance of mobile WiMAX to the IMT family is set to flare up again with a disagreement on how to proceed with official recognition of…
Initial results from the UK’s first comprehensive mobile spectrum monitoring project show several examples of unexpected and possibly unlawful usage.
With spectrum trading in Europe approaching its fourth anniversary, PolicyTracker asks how many trades have taken place and searches for an international benchmark. Simple questions, but there appear to be…
Despite a protest campaign mounted by America’s broadcasters, regulator the Federal Communications Commission yesterday officially approved the use of white spaces for wireless broadband following four years of debate.
Our top story this month is the European Commission’s revised legislative proposals for the telecoms framework review. These cut back the Parliament’s plans to give MEPs more control over spectrum…
It's a first - Dolly Parton and Neil Diamond have intervened in spectrum policy! Meanwhile the FCC is facing criticism for using election day to hold the meeting which will…
The digital dividend will be the key issue for Brussels in the coming months, according to the new head of DG INFSO's Radio Spectrum Policy Unit.
Two key amendments to the EU telecoms framework which would have given MEPs more influence over spectrum policy have been deleted from the final legislative proposals being put forward by…
The French government has confirmed that it will allocate the 790 – 892 MHz sub-band released as part of the digital dividend to “next-generation very high-speed fixed-line and mobile networks”.
The UK's commitment to spectrum liberalisation has been underlined in a new communications industry action plan. The government is also determined to get progress on the repeal of the GSM…
The UK regulator is encountering strong opposition to its plans to introducing spectrum pricing in the aviation and maritime sectors. The issued has been raised in parliament, followed by an…
A study funded by the European Commission due later this month will make some "fairly radical" recommendations on how to improve spectrum use by Europe’s public sector, but take a…