Existing 900 Mhz license holders in Sweden have agreed among themselves to give spectrum to Three, which currently only holds 2.1 GHz spectrum. UK operators face an imposed solution unless…
In the UK’s first trade involving Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) spectrum for several years, Urban WiMax has bought a Greater London 28GHz license from Red-M. This is the last article…
Sweden has commissioned a study to identify policy priorities in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) ahead of its presidency of the European Commission, which starts in July 2009.
The German Federal Cabinet has unveiled a broadband strategy that includes a compromise on allocation of “digital dividend” spectrum between broadcasters and mobile services.
New ITU-R studies will focus on space communications and time and frequency information from navigation and satellite systems.
Spreading the idea of releasing 4.4 to 5.0 GHz from military use and hurdling NATO concerns could help fulfil government and industry interest in exploiting new spectrum opportunities for 4G…
The Commercial Spectrum Owners Association will campaign against unnecessary restrictions on spectrum usage and provide its members with a stronger voice in discussions with Ofcom.
As had been widely predicted, US President Obama has nominated a key adviser, Julius Genachowski, as Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Although the appointment is subject to congressional…
Although there is now a draft text on the table that would incorporate TDD and FDD variants into the IMT standard continuing opposition makes a speedy conclusion unlikely.
Our top story this month is the UK moves towards harmonising its digital dividend spectrum release with other European countries. While this has been welcomed by the mobile industry it…
A liberalised market should stimulate innovation, provide better services to customers and allow spectrum to migrate to the most economically valuable uses. In the first of two articles we ask…
28GHz is now coming back into use and in this second article on the band we get the perspective of the companies offering the new services. These include a WiMAX…
EU member states may be prepared to compromise on giving a "European dimension" to the EU's new radio spectrum policy regime, according to an internal document obtained by Policy Tracker.
The EU Radio Spectrum Policy Group has proposed best practices for the use of public sector spectrum for defence, public safety and transport. The opinion stresses spectrum-sharing, technology and service…
Dániel Pataki, the head of the EU spectrum advisory group is urging his fellow regulators to release former analogue TV bands for mobile services. The RSPG is currently working on…