
WiFi black spots caused by other devices not congestion

Researchers say WiFi reception is being knocked out not by the proliferation of routers but by other devices, particularly video senders. They say the solution is better interference management, not…

June 2009 printed issue available for download

This month's issue considers the significance of a new stock market-type index for spectrum prices in the US; the future of the telecoms framework review and the InfoSoc Commissioner Viviane…

Will Reding remain as InfoSoc Commissioner?

The first obstacle for Viviane Reding is the national elections in her native Luxembourg this week. If she clears that hurdle there is then the politicking over the composition of…

Resistance to emergency services broadband plan

Efforts to find additional spectrum for European emergency services are running into problems as NATO and several radio administrations object to a proposal to study the 300 - 400 MHz…

Court action threatens pan-European S-band awards

The first pan-European spectrum award went to Inmarsat and Solaris mobile this week to provide satellite service particularly for rural areas. However, the process is the subject of a legal…

Internet piracy dispute blocks telecoms package

Although MEPs have found a compromise to resolve the disagreements over the digital dividend, the review of the framework directive has been put back until September due to a row…

ITU countries start new work in the satellite services

Participants in ITU-R will start new work on 11 new satellite services matters, said a letter circulated by the Radiocommunication Bureau. The work will result in new reports and recommendations,…