
July 2009 printed issue available for download

Our top story this month is Finland's innovative approach to TV spectrum. The Finns are probably the first country to put in black and white an uncomfortable truth: terrestrial TV…

Editorial: Brave Finland points to the elephant

The Finns deserve credit for officially acknowledging that terrestrial TV may have a sell-by-date. It’s something that many choose to disregard, argues PolicyTracker’s Managing Editor, Martin Sims

UK regulator postpones 2.6 GHz auction

The UK’s troubled 2.6 GHz auction, which Ofcom hoped to hold in September once legal action had been resolved, has now been put on hold.

Spain does a u-turn on digital dividend

Spain and Germany have become the latest European countries to fall in with EC harmonization plans and designate the 800MHz digital dividend band for non-broadcasting use.

US makes digital switchover today

The US is saying goodbye to analogue TV with the feeling that the country is much better prepared that it was in February, when switchover was originally scheduled to take…

Are Finns considering switching off all terrestrial TV?

An influential consultancy has praised Finland for its “joined-up thinking” on wired and wireless networks and encouraging the development of a wireless “last mile.” The country is also planning to…