
Opinion: environment report points to a long road ahead

Several key tenets of spectrum policy need to be re-examined to take account of environmental impacts, writes James Page. Network sharing, ending handset subsidies and increasing use of femtocells could…

ITU due to make major decisions in the autumn

On the agenda are issues relating to WiMAX, white spaces, satellite networks and propagation. It has been confirmed that the next WRC will be held in January 2012 and a…

Auction plans less WiMAX-friendly say analysts

Finland and Denmark have opted for a fixed split between paired and unpaired spectrum in their proposals to auction the 2.5GHz band. This approach may deter use by WIMAX according…

PMSE users reassured by new Ofcom proposals

Programme making and special events stakeholders are considerably more optimistic about the post-2012 prospects for their fragmented industry following the publication of two weighty documents by Ofcom. But there are…

New look FCC ready to get back into gear

After several months of operating with only three commissioners and no chairman the board of US regulator the Federal Communications Commission is (barring a major surprise) back to a full…

Analysis from our Spectrum Research Service
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