ICASA's plan for assigning 2.6 GHz and 3.5 GHz has been criticized from all sides. Some say a beauty contest would be better while others say the two stage process…
Neelie Kroes rather than Viviane Reding is set to get the top job in telecoms. The portfolio which includes spectrum will be called “Digital Agenda” instead of “Information Society”
Regulators and standards bodies are considering how to globally harmonise the expanding European RFID industry while helping the railway GSM network cope with interference. Both technologies want to use spectrum…
The takeover of Palestinian incumbent fixed-line operator Paltel and its mobile subsidiary Jawwal by the rapidly growing Zain Group of Kuwait has suddenly and unexpectedly been abandoned.
France’s main holder of 3.5 GHz spectrum, Bolloré Telecom, will start to build a near-nationwide WiMAX network next year, despite having fallen well behind schedule. The company says the service…
A lack of competition and an unusual design feature seem the main reasons for the low revenues in Finland’s first auction.
An intervention from the European Commission makes it increasingly likely that the four year old dispute over technology neutrality in 2.6GHz will go all the way to the EU’s highest…
The review of the Telecoms Framework Directive has finally been agreed after two years of discussion between the Commission, member states and MEPs.
Four 2.6Ghz licences in Finland have been sold for a fraction of the amount raised in similar auctions in neighbouring countries.
Alan Horne leaves the Bahrain Telecoms Regulatory Authority at the end of November after three years at the helm overseeing its transformation into one of the most liberalised and forward…
Geolocation is emerging as a promising way of preventing cognitive devices causing harmful interference in UHF spectrum white spaces, the EU Radio Spectrum Policy Group and UK regulator say. But…
Orascom is seeking to overturn a ruling which prevents it using spectrum won in the recent AWS auction. The company was judged to have fallen foul of Canada's foreign ownership…
Telecoms regulators from the US, the UK, Brazil and Canada have expressed interest in the technology behind the world’s first white spaces network which has been launched on a non-commercial…
A World Health Organisation study to be published in the next few weeks is expected to produce publicity that will heighten fears about mobile phone usage increasing the risk of…
Despite still not having received all the spectrum it had been promised by Israel, Wataniya Mobile has gone ahead with the commercial launch of Palestine’s second mobile network.