
FCC plans to free up 500 Mhz over next decade

Details have started to emerge of the US national broadband plan. Proposals are set to include the auction of the 700 MHz D Block and spectrum voluntarily relinquished by broadcasters.

Bahrain plans for spectrum release

Bahrain may make some public sector bands available for commercial use as well as applying technology neutrality more widely as part of a major spectrum release plan just trailed by…

Can femtocells contain the mobile data explosion?

Femtocells can double the capacity of a mobile network without requiring any additional spectrum, says the chairman of the technology's lobby group. But the biggest challenge may be finding the…

Google boss nearly answers the big question

Google's CEO, Eric Schmidt, says he sees the mobile industry as partners, not competitors. He had encouraging words for the WiMAX fraternity and for spectrum policy geeks he almost solved…

Optus scoops up remaining 2.1 GHz spectrum

Australia’s second-largest telco, Optus, has dipped into the secondary market to double its 3G spectrum holdings in the country’s eight largest cities.

Dutch pick up the UK’s auction baton

The ground-breaking approach of using auction design to determine spectrum packaging seems to be off the agenda in the UK but should be tested in practice in the next few…

UK 2.6 GHz auction looks further away than ever

A likely Competition Commission investigation, a new threat of legal action and a forthcoming general election means the release of this crucial band – originally planned for 2007 – may…

Neelie Kroes confirmed as Commissioner at second attempt

The Digital Agenda Commissioner has been branded “disappointing” by MEPs after a confirmation hearing. She also created confusion by appearing to overstep current Commission policy on the digital dividend.

Analysis from our Spectrum Research Service
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