FCC proposals for “incentive” spectrum auctions in which licensees voluntarily give up their spectrum for sale has been welcomed but experts say the devil is in the implementation details.
As mobile operators lobby UK ministers and parliamentarians to block the government’s proposed spectrum modernisation programme, doubts are cast on their basic premise for objecting.
International scientific and technological bodies as well as some countries are raising concerns about mobile satellite allocations being suggested for consideration at WRC-12
Thanks to restrictions which ensure the bulk of spectrum is reserved for newcomers to the local telecoms market, the upcoming Dutch 2.6 GHz auction has attracted nine bidders.
Reaction to the spectrum plan has been generally positive, but one FCC commissioner has raised concerns about damaging the public interest.
Stakeholders are divided on whether new approaches are needed to ease the deployment of aeronautical services by the mobile satellite community
Germany’s “super auction” of 350 MHz of spectrum in four bands may have to be delayed due to legal action from two of the country’s four incumbent mobile operators.
If the British government-sponsored spectrum modernisation programme manages to get through the legislative process and possible legal action, it will result in a liberalised spectrum market driven by the laws…
The UK government's plans for digital mobile spectrum look unlikely to be included in the normal business of this parliament but could get agreement in a special “unfinished business” session…
Ministers have announced that they are backing a package of measures very similar to that suggested by the UK regulator some years ago. The 2.6 GHz centre band is to…
Neelie Kroes is emphasising the many uses of spectrum and its contribution to economic recovery
The European Parliament and Commission are cosponsoring a 22-23 March spectrum mini-conference to gather stakeholder input on the strategic issues for future spectrum policy.
The proposed introduction of spectrum leasing is the latest Ofcom liberalisation proposal to be put on ice by the British government to the dismay of aspiring band managers.
An unexpectedly swift green light from the European Commission raises a host of questions about the way forward on equitable spectrum distribution among the UK's mobile operators.
OPINION: Lawyer Robert Kelly, who has been involved in the US 800 MHz process from the start, says moving users out of bands can take a long time but the…