
Dutch 2.6 GHz auction attracts nine entrants

Thanks to restrictions which ensure the bulk of spectrum is reserved for newcomers to the local telecoms market, the upcoming Dutch 2.6 GHz auction has attracted nine bidders.

Auctions and trades to set the framework for UK spectrum

If the British government-sponsored spectrum modernisation programme manages to get through the legislative process and possible legal action, it will result in a liberalised spectrum market driven by the laws…

UK Government makes decision on mobile spectrum

Ministers have announced that they are backing a package of measures very similar to that suggested by the UK regulator some years ago. The 2.6 GHz centre band is to…

Date announced for MEPs’ spectrum summit

The European Parliament and Commission are cosponsoring a 22-23 March spectrum mini-conference to gather stakeholder input on the strategic issues for future spectrum policy.

Analysis from our Spectrum Research Service
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