European plans for use of the 800 MHz digital dividend have come a long way but many challenges remain, regulators and analysts say.
As the Radio Spectrum Policy Group delivers its opinion on a multi-year European spectrum policy programme, its chief calls for a more ambitious "mobile broadband space."
Changes aim to make 90 MHz of mobile satellite spectrum available in three band segments
Developed countries focused solely on the economics of spectrum are ignoring its potential for social good, policy consultants say.
French regulator ARCEP plans to launch the allocation process for frequencies in the 800 MHz and 2.6 GHz bands before the end of this year.
Unprecedented growth in mobile broadband demand will result in huge productivity benefits provided new spectrum is released in a timely fashion, Australian Minister for Broadband, Digital Communications and the Economy…
The Indian BWA and 3G auctions of the past few weeks have thrown up a number of surprises, ranging from the amount of money bid to the identities of some…
The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has published detailed guidelines designed to help countries manage the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting.
India’s broadband wireless access (BWA) auction of licences to operate in the 2.3 GHz band ended this morning having raised a total of $8.23 billion for government coffers.
EU ministers have backed the drawing up of detailed proposals to overcome spectrum shortages and generate greater economic growth.
Swedish mobile operators anxious to roll out 4G services in the 900 MHz band are being stalled by a lawsuit and an antitrust investigation.
The decision by O2, acting independently of the UK’s other mobile operators, to appeal to the Competition Appeals Tribunal (CAT) in an attempt to get immediate permission to refarm its…
Crunch time may be approaching for administrations following more than a decade of preparations and decisions on enhancing the radio regulatory framework, says ITU Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) Director Valery Timofeev…
South African regulator ICASA sticks to its hybrid auction plan, with several key changes.
A number of countries in the Asia Pacific region are working to harmonise key parameters for a different, and larger, digital dividend band to the 790-862 MHz earmarked for non-broadcast…