
New Zealand releases spectrum in 806-960 MHz band

Steven Joyce, communications and information technology minister for New Zealand, has announced that the country will be making more spectrum available for technologies like RFID and radio mesh networks.

Danes set about liberalising spectrum market

Liberalisation in the form of the release of service and technology neutral licences is coming to the Danish market where a number of spectrum bands have been identified to get…

Jordan mobile operators snub 2.6 GHz licence

None of Jordan’s four mobile operators has responded to a document sent to them by the country’s telecoms regulator requesting applications for LTE licences in the 2.6 GHz band.

Is the era of exclusive spectrum rights over?

Some argue there is a greater need than ever before for exclusivity in the form of liberal licences, while others say the focus must be on new models for spectrum…

Serbia considers digital dividend

Allocating some of Serbia's digital dividend spectrum to non-broadcasting uses will provide a higher total welfare value than if the whole of the dividend is allocated to broadcasting and all…

No one-size-fits-all refarming solution

Refarming the GSM bands is raising a number of questions in several countries and there seem to be no simple answers on offer, even in those countries where the process…

Analysis from our Spectrum Research Service
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