
Unbowed Mexican regulator allows auction results to stand

Following a period of uncertainty after Mexico’s recent PCS and AWS spectrum auction, regulator Cofetel has confirmed the results despite vigorous opposition from incumbents and various politicians seeking to have…

Unbowed Mexican regulator allows auction results to stand

Following a period of uncertainty after Mexico’s recent PCS and AWS spectrum auction, regulator Cofetel has confirmed the results despite vigorous opposition from incumbents and various politicians seeking to have…

PMSE industry protests over compensation package

Lobbyists from the programme making and special events (PMSE) sector are accusing the UK government of exploiting technicalities to avoid paying compensation to companies being evicted from the channels they…

Ofcom tests Olympic spectrum requirements

Field tests at several sporting events show plans to manage spectrum needs during the 2012 London Olympics are on track, the UK regulator says. Part of the spectrum will come…

Operators watch and wait as Ofcom juggles hot potato

The UK coalition government’s first attempt to address the thorny issue of spectrum reform appears to have gone down better with stakeholders than the previous government’s proposals, although there are…

Portugal and Italy move towards switch-off

Portuguese regulator Anacom has approved the Portuguese government's proposed schedule for analogue switch-off (ASO) in the country. In Italy, the president of the regulator thinks ASO could be achieved by…

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