Although refarming of 2G frequencies for 3G use has run up against delays and threats of legal action in the UK and elsewhere, African countries have been quick to realise…
Poland has become the fourth country with a commercial LTE launch and the first in the world to use the 1800 MHz band for 4G services. TeliaSonera has commercially launched…
Singapore’s telecoms regulator, the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA), has published a set of auction rules and put back the auction date for a second batch of 3G spectrum by one…
Slovenian regulator APEK has begun negotiations with the Austrian regulator on infrastructure sharing, according to the GSM Association.
Following a period of uncertainty after Mexico’s recent PCS and AWS spectrum auction, regulator Cofetel has confirmed the results despite vigorous opposition from incumbents and various politicians seeking to have…
An October ITU treaty conference may update the intergovernmental organisation's basic mandate on use of frequencies above 3000 GHz, cybersecurity, radiocommunication services and elected leadership.
Following a period of uncertainty after Mexico’s recent PCS and AWS spectrum auction, regulator Cofetel has confirmed the results despite vigorous opposition from incumbents and various politicians seeking to have…
A UMTS trial scheduled to be conducted in the 1800 MHz band in France this November will be watched with interest both by operators and regulators, particularly in countries such…
Advances in technology have made the European Commission back away from its previous full-on support for the DVB-H mobile TV standard - to the extent it is now “highly interested”…
Brazil has become the first major country in the Americas to break step with the US bandplan at 2.6 GHz. In line with Europe and much of the rest of…
Lobbyists from the programme making and special events (PMSE) sector are accusing the UK government of exploiting technicalities to avoid paying compensation to companies being evicted from the channels they…
Field tests at several sporting events show plans to manage spectrum needs during the 2012 London Olympics are on track, the UK regulator says. Part of the spectrum will come…
Mobile operators should be changing their business models and making use of new technologies to get the most out of their spectrum holdings, rather than pressing for the release of…
The UK coalition government’s first attempt to address the thorny issue of spectrum reform appears to have gone down better with stakeholders than the previous government’s proposals, although there are…
Portuguese regulator Anacom has approved the Portuguese government's proposed schedule for analogue switch-off (ASO) in the country. In Italy, the president of the regulator thinks ASO could be achieved by…