UK regulator Ofcom has revealed that it will reduce its budget by £30 million over the next five years, losing almost one fifth of its employees in the process.
Irish regulator ComReg has rethought its position on how best to handle redistribution of the 800 and 900 MHz bands and is now proposing a single award process in the…
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has published a 60-page discussion paper on its initial plans for allocating the digital dividend following the switch from analogue to digital broadcasting.
UK regulator Ofcom has published an update to its “evolving” spectrum plan for the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games, including responses to its consultation on reserving use of the…
Not only is the issue of potential interference by new mobile services with cable and programme-making and special events (PMSE) equipment in the digital dividend band unresolved, a new study…
The US telecoms industry is awash with rumours suggesting that national WiMAX operator Clearwire has launched a private auction of its excess 2.6 GHz spectrum.
An announcement by Mexican President Felipe Calderón that the 700 MHz band could be licensed in 2012, bringing the switchover from analogue to digital broadcasting forward six years from 2021…
An announcement by Mexican President Felipe Calderón that the 700 MHz band could be licensed in 2012, bringing the switchover from analogue to digital broadcasting forward six years from 2021…
ITU member countries elected two new top officials and re-elected several incumbents during an October quadrennial policy setting conference. They also elected members of the Radio Regulations Board and the…
Having only received one application for a new national 900 MHz licence and one for a new 1800 MHz licence, the Danish regulator has cancelled a proposed auction of the…
More momentum and work will be needed before International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) in the extended C-band becomes a widespread technology, executives told PolicyTracker.
Four US technology trade groups have joined forces to lobby Congress for voluntary spectrum incentive auctions.
A last flurry of work in the next few months will focus on completing industry specifications for use of sizeable chunks of the 3.4 - 3.8 GHz bands by 3G…
The outlines of the issues that will be addressed at the 2012 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-12) got clearer recently with the release of 500 pages of draft text for the…
Geo-location databases are necessary for white space devices in TV broadcast spectrum but sensing is not, the CEPT SE43 working group says in a draft report on technical and operational…