
Report recommends harmonised Euro spectrum for PPDR

Germany should advocate pan-European harmonised spectrum above and below 1 GHz for public protection and disaster relief, WiK Consult and Aegis Systems have said in a study carried out for…

European pressure grows for 2016 global IMT spectrum action

Mobile interests are lobbying regional groups to develop WRC-16 proposals to rationalise, consolidate and expand on frequency bands identified for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) for further harmonisation on a global…

Vodafone launches LTE 800 in rural Germany

The first large-scale commercial deployment of LTE is underway in Germany, where Vodafone is rolling out the service to rural areas using 800 MHz spectrum. The company will then turn…

FCC seeks to improve access to spectrum

In its “first formal step” towards spectrum incentive auctions, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has proposed giving wireless broadband providers equal access to TV broadcast frequencies that may open up…

Germany to make spectrum use more flexible

German regulator BNetzA has revealed it is updating the country’s frequency usage plan to meet the needs of the government’s broadband strategy.

Analysis from our Spectrum Research Service
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