
As the Netherlands auctions the 3.5 GHz band, we look at the progress of EU member states in assigning Europe's 5G "pioneer bands".

Motorola, which operates the UK's Airwave emergency communications network, has sued the Home Office for unpaid invoices in the latest episode in the long-running attempt to build a 4G/5G Emergency…

Although there are different views on what to do with the band after 2030, there is agreement that the transition will not be uniform.

Among a flurry of spectrum policy announcements from South Africa was the surprise revival of an idea for a national wireless wholesale network.
Ukrainian regulator NCEC is preparing to auction 2.1 GHz, 2.3 GHz and 2.6 GHz spectrum in the first half of September.
Pavel Šístek, head of the policy and strategy unit at Czech regulator CTU, told PolicyTracker that it is not currently preparing any further regulatory proposals.
The Spanish Ministry of Digital Transformation said it wanted operators to invest in new technologies and network deployment.