More about "United Kingdom"
Per-provider and per-customer line costs and charges for Carrier Pre-Selection
Dec 17, 2015
by PolicyTracker

Comments invited on Ofcom's proposals to cut the charges BT and Kingston Communications make to companies offering carrier pre-selection; and to make these cuts effective immediately on publication of the direction. Read more...

Charges between Communications Service Providers: Number Translation Services retail uplift charge control and Premium Rate Services bad debt surcharge
Dec 17, 2015
by PolicyTracker

Further consultation following on from July 2004 consultation in the light of the acquisition of additional data on traffic volume. The methodology to set the charges will, however, remain the same as that set out in the first consultation.New SMP conditions will also be applied. Read more...

Recognised Spectrum Access as applied to Radio Astronomy
Dec 17, 2015
by PolicyTracker

Proposals to apply RSA to radio astronomy (technical parameters included) in a bid to enhance certainty about levels of interference in related bands. In addition spectrum pricing and trading may be extended as an incentives to use spectrum more efficiently. * Consultation will take place on draft regulations in Quarter… Read more...

Proposed changes to BT’s regulatory financial reporting framework
Dec 17, 2015
by PolicyTracker

Proposals include:i. introducing a new layer of regulatory financial information provided to Ofcom by BT; ii. enhancement of certain aspects of the 2004 Statement relating to BTiii. certain “housekeeping” amendments to the 2004 Statement relating BT; and iv. limited relaxation on the reporting and audit requirements set out in the… Read more...

The future licensing of DAB digital radio
Dec 17, 2015
by PolicyTracker

Interpreting the criteria to be applied when awarding national and local radio multiplex licences. The criteria are contained in sections 47 and 51 of the Broadcasting Act 1996. Issues include roll out, coverage and content of proposed services. Read more...