by Laura Sear
New spectrum with IMT and mobile allocations includes the 3300—3400 MHz, 3600—3800 MHz, 4800—4990 MHz and 6425—7125 MHz bands in various countries and regions. Read more...
by Laura Sear
WRC-23 came to a close in December in Dubai. This research note provides an overview of the outcomes. Read more...
by PolicyTracker
The Spectrum Data Explorer visualises key metrics relating to national spectrum usage, bands, population, economics and pricing. Read more...
by Richard Haas
While the rate of mobile data traffic consumption appears to be slowing, there are disagreements about what data consumption will be at the end of the decade. This research note considers different predictions, and how they may impact future policymaking in the 6G era. Read more...
by Richard Haas
Accurately monitoring and predicting trends in mobile data consumption is important for spectrum policymakers and spectrum users alike. This research note considers the recent slowdown in year-on-year data growth. Read more...
by PolicyTracker
Shows national all national mobile licences. Please note that not all licence holders offer services to the public. Sourcing and methodology is available here. Read more...
by Dianne Northfield
PolicyTracker’s updated 3.3—4.2 GHz benchmark tracks the status of spectrum policies related to this mid-band range across 87 countries that continue to progress assignments for IMT/5G use, along with a growing number of nations that are earmarking spectrum for use on a localised basis. While the assignment of spectrum resources… Read more...
by Dianne Northfield
Since PolicyTracker’s last 3.3—4.2 GHz benchmark in August 2021, 34 nations that have assigned or plan to assign spectrum in the range, or both, have not changed their policy status whereas eight nations have progressed from the planning stage to the assignment of spectrum in the range. Read more...
by Dianne Northfield
In addition to the eight nations profiled in the second Research Note in this benchmark that have moved from the planning phase to the assignment phase for 3.3—4.2 GHz spectrum since 2021, 25 nations continue to advance assignments and planned assignments in the range. Read more...
by Dianne Northfield
Since PolicyTracker’s August 2021 3.3—4.2 GHz benchmark, 20 new countries have assigned or started planning to assign frequencies in the range, primarily for IMT/5G. Ten of these nations are in Europe, followed by six in Africa, three in the Americas and two in the Asia Pacific. Several additional nations have… Read more...