More about "United Kingdom"
UK consultation on Amazon Kuiper’s satellite licence
Sep 09, 2024
by Mirva Villa

Kuiper is seeking to use the Ka band.

UK comment period for stakeholders on land-based satellite user terminals
Aug 27, 2024
by Mirva Villa

Following a consultation on the 28 GHz band, Ofcom is seeking additional information on future satellite terminal use. Read more...

UK consultation on using 32 GHz band for fixed links
Aug 05, 2024
by Mirva Villa

Ofcom is proposing to make the unassigned mmWave band available for fixed links. Read more...

UK consultation on supporting increased use of shared spectrum
Jul 29, 2024
by Mirva Villa

UK regulator Ofcom has published a plan of improvements to the spectrum sharing framework. Read more...

UK call for comments on improving satellite connectivity
Jul 29, 2024
by Mirva Villa

Ofcom is seeking stakeholder views on direct to device (D2D) services and mobile-satellite services (MSS) in the UK. Read more...

UK consultation on use of 3.9 GHz spectrum
May 28, 2024
by Mirva Villa

The UK regulator Ofcom is consulting on Hutchinson 3G's request to amend its licence to enable it to use 5G technology on its broadband. Read more...

UK consultation on proposed auction regulations for the mmWave award
May 20, 2024
by Mirva Villa

The UK regulator has launched a new consultation on the regulations for the 26 GHz and 40 GHz spectrum award. Read more...

UK consultations on NGSO network licences for Inmarsat and SpaceX
Apr 29, 2024
by Mirva Villa

Starlink seeks to increase the number of its antennas, while Inmarsat has applied for a non-geostationary network licence. Read more...

UK consultation on 26 GHz and 40 GHz auction design
Apr 22, 2024
by Mirva Villa

The UK regulator Ofcom has opened a consultation on the final auction design for the mmWave bands. Read more...

UK consultation of 28 GHz
Mar 25, 2024
by Laura Sear

Ofcom opened a consultation on the 27.5 – 30 GHz band for satellite services Read more...