

| Dugie Standeford

RSPG stands for the Radio Spectrum Policy Group. It is a high-level advisory group that assists the European Commission and, at times, the European Parliament and Council in making EU-level spectrum policy.

In developing spectrum policy, the RSPG considers not only technical issues but also economic, political, cultural, strategic, health and social matters. It publishes reports and opinions, generally after public consultations. It is assisted by various sub-groups that address specific spectrum topics. It also makes recommendations for the EU to consider ahead of the World Radiocommunication Conferences. The group also holds public workshops.

RSPG members come from EU countries, European Economic Area European Free Trade Association nations (EEA) and the Commission. Observers include the Conference of European Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).