The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest technical professional organisation in the world. The organisation is known for its creation of various standards such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, WiMAX and TV White Space. It operates through a consensus-based process through technical committees, working groups, task groups and study groups, which develop and approve IEEE standards.
The IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) develops global standards across a broad range of industries, including communications, electromagnetic compatibility and many more. The organisation focuses on wireless technology standards, which define the physical layer, the medium access control layer, and the link layer of various wireless systems and devices.
IEEE Standards is known for its development of network-related standards, particularly in hardware and technology that enable networking. Some of the most well-known standards are IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi), IEEE 802.15 (Bluetooth), IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX), and IEEE 802.22 (TV white spaces) and standards related to IoT. The organisation also publishes a wide array of technical papers and convenes numerous stakeholder forums.
The IEEE Future Networks Technical Community (FNTC) aims to help pave a path for the development and deployment of 5G and beyond. FNTC brings together researchers, scientists, engineers, and policymakers from industry, academia, and governments to focus on challenges and opportunities associated with current and future networks.
The FNTC provides practical, timely technical content in tutorials, webinars, podcasts, published articles, workshops, and conferences. It has established a 5G and Beyond Technology Roadmap, which is a living document that identifies short-, mid- and long-term research, innovation and technology trends in the communications ecosystem.