The Inter‑American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) is a regional telecommunications policy group which represents countries in the Americas in the ITU. The Commission coordinates telecommunications-related mandates of the Organization of American States (OAS) General Assembly and those enacted during the Summits of the Americas.
34 independent states of the Americas have ratified the OAS Charter and are members of the Organization. CITEL’s agreements aim to enhance telecommunications efficiency by cooperating with other organizations on shared interests.
The Commission is structured into the following subgroups:

- Assembly of CITEL
- Permanent Executive Committee (COM/CITEL)
- Permanent Consultative Committee I (PCC.I): Telecommunications/ICT
- Permanent Consultative Committee II (PCC.II): Radiocommunications
- Secretariat of CITEL
These groups work on annual work programs, such as the organisation of seminars, collaboration on joint projects, training and publications. They also provide access to documents and publications about their programs and activities.
CITEL takes part in interregional meetings with the representatives of regional telecommunication organizations, such as the International Telecommunication UnionThe International Telecommunication U... (ITU).