What questions can the Data Explorer help us answer?
This new feature uses the PolicyTracker Spectrum Database and combines it with other datasets on population, the economy and connectivity. It is part of the Spectrum Research Service.
Click the arrows to show the answers.
Spectrum awards
What spectrum awards have been held in country X and how much did they cost?
Click the prices in mobile awards icon on the National data overview page. The graph below shows the result for Thailand.

What spectrum awards are coming up in country X?
Click the upcoming awards icon on the National data overview page. This page (also shown below) shows expected auctions in Sri Lanka as of February 2024. You can also search our Auctions tracker.

Are spectrum awards in my country more expensive than in neighbouring countries?
On the Spectrum Awards Price Comparison page you can filter down to a limited number of countries or bands. The example below shows prices for 700 MHz countries in Norway, Sweden and Finland. (Please also select 700 MHz in the table)

Have award prices for a particular band gone up or down?
The Spectrum Awards Price Comparison page allows you to select the average price for a band and a time frame. For example, the screengrab shows that the inflated prices of the 2000 3G auctions have never been repeated. Similar comparisons are available for individual licence prices.

By USD/MHz/pop what is the most spent on a band in an auction?
The Spectrum Awards Price Comparison page shows that the amounts paid for 2.1 GHz in the 3G auctions held in Germany and the UK in 2000 are still the most expensive in USD/MHz/pop terms. (On the page sort the table by band award average)

By the total award fee, what is the most spent on a band in an auction?
By the total spent, the Spectrum Awards Price Comparison page shows that the US 2023 C-band auction was more expensive than the 2000 3G auctions. (Sort by total spent on band)

Spectrum usage
Which mobile bands are the most popular?
The Global Pricing by Band page shows that the most licences have been issued in 2.1 GHz.

Which bands are used in which regions?
The Global Bands Overview page shows the number of licences issued in each region (second to last graph on page). For eaxmple, the graph below shows that although 1900 MHz is generally used in ITUThe International Telecommunication U… Region 2, it has occassionally been licensed in Africa, Asia Pacific and Europe.

Which countries have assigned the most spectrum?
See Connectivity page: the answer is different for low, mid or high band spectrum. Japan has the most mid-band, as shown below (Use table at bottom of Connectivity page to sort by mid-band holdings)

Which countries have awarded the most high-band spectrum?
The Connectivity page shows the amount of spectrum above 6 GHz assigned in each country. The top 10 are shown below. (Produced by sorting the high band spectrum column in the table)

How much spectrum does each operator hold in country X?
Click the mobile spectrum holdings icon on the National data overview page. The example below shows the proportionate holdings in Bangladesh.

What share of spectrum is held by MNOs in selected countries?
On the Compare MNO’s national spectrum holdings page you can select four countries and see how much spectrum the operators hold in the low, mid and high bands.

In which countries do MNOs have the most equal share of spectrum?
The Compare national mobile spectrum markets page shows our Spectrum Distribution Index where 0 indicates an equal of spectrum in the sub-3 GHz range.

Which countries have the most mobile operators? Or four operators?
The Compare national mobile spectrum markets page shows the number of mobile licensees. This can be filtered and/or sorted.

How many people live in rural areas in country X?
Click the population icon for the chosen country on the National data overview page. The information is presented in graphs and and in a table, as shown below for Iran.

Which countries dominate the satellite market?
The Connectivity page shows a commanding lead for the US, followed by China. (Use the table at the bottom of the page to sort by number of satellites in orbit.)

Which countries have assigned the most spectrum?
See Connectivity page: the answer is different for low, mid or high band spectrum. Japan has the most mid-band, as shown in the screenshot (Use table at bottom of Connectivity page to sort by mid-band holdings)

Which countries have the highest mobile penetration?
Hong Kong has over 300 mobile subscribers per 100 people, as shown below. But this can indicate high prices for calling people on other networks. The graph was produced by sorting the mobile subscribers column in the table on the Connectivity page.

Which countries with large rural populations face the greatest connectivity challenges?
Here the Data Explorer can provide some useful insights, but considering that it uses raw, unadjusted data, probably not the definitive answer. The Connectivity page can display the countries with the largest percentage of the population living in rural areas, but as some of these are small nations, the graphs below have been filtered to include only the larger nations. They show that some of the countries with large rural populations – like Afghanistan and Tanzania – have low internet penetration of less than 22%; whereas in Finland and Oman it is above 90%

Which countries have the highest population density?
Data about population, population density and land mass are all available on the Population page. This gives a greater level of detail than on the other pages, including the percentage of the country’s land mass which is classified as urban/rural etc. Macau has the world’s highest population density as shown below and here.

What are the regulatory priorities in country X?
Click the regulatory activity icon for the chosen country on the National data overview page. This shows recent consultations, upcoming awards and spectrum policy issues covered in PolicyTracker articles. The table below shows activity for Lithuania.

Has country X got a bigger economy than country Y?
This can be done on the National Economic Indicators page by selecting the desired countries in the table. This example compares Poland and Chile, and one of the resulting graphs is shown below.

What is the GDP in country X?
Click the economic indicators icon for the chosen country on the National data overview page. This also shows world ranking and ICT import and export data, as shown below for Lithuania. The figures can be compared for other countries.

Is country X a big player in the digital economy?
The National Economic Indicators page shows GDP figures as well as ICT exports and imports, giving an indication of a country’s overall economic standing, as well as its position in the digital economy. For example, the chart below compares South Africa and the Philippines with the World’s three biggest economies, showing that while the two countries have similar GDPs, the Philippines is a world leader in ICT manufacturing.

Across all the key spectrum metrics, how does country X compare with the biggest economies?
The Benchmark across sectors page shows eight graphs covering population, economics, connectivity and spectrum assignments. This example compares Egypt with the top five economies, and shows that its GDP is much smaller; fixed broadband penetration is lower than all except India; internet usage is similar to China and higher than India; and less spectrum has been assigned (see below).