
What motivates OTT players’ approach to spectrum?

What motivates OTT players' approach to spectrum? Who is pushing the spectrum sharing agenda? Academics and some regulators for sure, but in industry terms it is the OTT players like Google, Microsoft and Facebook;  Operators are usually lukewarm about sharing. Why? We explain in more detail in this Research Note but in short OTT players benefit from the cheapest possible internet access while operators fear this will undermine their business model which…

What motivates OTT players’ approach to spectrum?

Who is pushing the spectrum sharing agenda? Academics and some regulators for sure, but in industry terms it is the OTT players like Google, Microsoft and Facebook;  Operators are usually lukewarm about sharing.

Why? We explain in more detail in this Research Note but in short OTT players benefit from the cheapest possible internet access while operators fear this will undermine their business model which is based on the provision of infrastructure.

Our individual Research Notes on Google, Microsoft and Facebook examine their specific initiatives in spectrum sharing, CBRS, unlicensed spectrum and enhancing internet services to the developing world.

Research Notes

What motivates OTT players’ approach to spectrum? by Martin Sims
The OTT players offer services over the internet not access to it, so their priorities in spectrum policy are different…

Facebook by Dugie Standeford
As Facebook continues its drive to “make the world more open and connected,” it has urged the FCC to free…

Google by Dugie Standeford
Google is strongly focused on delivering services in the 3.5 GHz band. It is also a proponent of using spectrum…

Microsoft by Dugie Standeford
Microsoft remains a strong supporter of unlicensed spectrum, but favours a balanced policy that promotes the availability and efficient use…

Auction Tracker updates

Sweden 2.8 GHz by Patrick Gahan
Swedish Post and Telecom Agency (PTS) September 26, 2017: Plans to auction this band have been cancelled, PTS has told PolicyTracker.…

Uruguay 700 MHz, AWS and 2.1 GHz auction by Patrick Gahan
Communications Services Regulatory Unit (URSEC) 15 Aug 2017 Uruguay’s Communications Services Regulatory Unit (URSEC) has released the results of the 700…

Sweden 450 MHz by Patrick Gahan
PTS   Update: September 23, 2017: The Swedish telecom regulator (PTS) released a general invitation to participate in the country’s…

Germany 2 GHz, 3.6 GHz by Patrick Gahan
BNetzA German regulator BNetzA has said that frequency in 3.4-3.8 GHz and 2 GHz ranges should be made available “as…

Italy 700 MHz, 3.4-3.8 GHz, 26 GHz by Kane Mumford
Italy is due to make an announcement on its plans for the auction of spectrum in Italy 700 MHz, 3.4-3.8 GHz,…

News articles

Operators call for more involvement in RSPG peer reviews by Kane Mumford
Senior representatives from Deutsche Telekom and Vodafone called on the European Commission’s radio spectrum advisory body to open up peer…

European Parliament introduces interim review for 25-year licence terms by Kane Mumford
Members of the European Parliament voted yesterday evening on their position on the European Commission’s proposed Electronic Communications Code (ECC),…

Operators commit to 5G trials but cut back on overall equipment expenditure by Kane Mumford
New research shows large numbers of 5G trials taking place, with 28 GHz the most popular band. However, overall, operators…

Viewpoint: Is CBRS a help or hindrance in the 5G race? by William Webb
Recent articles have suggested concern in the US that CBRS (Citizens Broadband Radio Service) is fragmenting the 3.5 GHz band…

Spectrum dispute at heart of European mobile industry’s existential crisis by Kane Mumford
Disagreement between EU institutions on new proposals for minimum licence durations and peer reviews of spectrum rewards is causing uncertainty…

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