Webinar: New Thinking on Spectrum Auctions (May 27)
The use of spectrum auctions was once a black-and-white issue but is now more shades of grey.
For over a decade auctions have been the predominant method of assigning spectrum because they incentivised spectrum efficiency whereas beauty contests often ended in legal challenges.
But in many countries policy priorities have shifted to network investment and nationwide coverage, leading to concerns about whether auctions are the best mechanism.
Countries like France have not re-auctioned expiring licences but made renewal conditional on improving coverage.
The contrary argument is not to throw the baby out with the bathwater – auctions facilitate competition as well as efficiency – they need amendment, not defenestration.
In our webinar, we are joined by leading voices in this debate. Professor Gerard Pogorel has called on administrations to take a wider view when assigning frequencies, Professor Martin Cave has urged policymakers not to forget the benefits of auctions.
We will also hear from a real-world decision-maker in the auctions field: Professor Antonio Nicita, a commissioner at the Italian regulator AGCOM.
The New Thinking on Spectrum Auctions webinar starts at 2 pm BST (3 pm CET; 9 am EDT) on Wednesday, May 27: register here.
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