
Greening spectrum policy webinar: 12 October

With a growing focus on global warming, attention is increasingly turning to what role the telecoms sector can or should play in saving the planet. Leading operators and equipment vendors are starting to put sustainability at the core of their product strategies, and regulators are also thinking about how they can encourage green developments. The International Telecommunication Union, for example, is considering how spectrum policy can help reduce network footprints…
| Dugie Standeford

With a growing focus on global warming, attention is increasingly turning to what role the telecoms sector can or should play in saving the planet. Leading operators and equipment vendors are starting to put sustainability at the core of their product strategies, and regulators are also thinking about how they can encourage green developments.

The International Telecommunication Union, for example, is considering how spectrum policy can help reduce network footprints and ensure that networks are widely available for creating sustainable societies. In February, it adopted a standard to help the ICT industry cut carbon emissions at a rate necessary to meet the United Nations Paris Agreement goals.

Similarly, an EU Radio Spectrum Policy Group progress report seeks to identify what actions could be taken to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of wireless systems, and what changes spectrum managers could make to boost climate mitigation activities.

The role of spectrum in environmental sustainability is an open question at this point, with stakeholders trying to formulate their positions. At our Greening Spectrum Policy webinar, you will hear from several speakers at the front line of the debate:

  • Pernilla Bergmark, Ericsson principal researcher for sustainability and co-chair of the ITU’s group on climate change.
  • Philip Laidler of telecoms consultancy STL Partners.
  • Erik Wottrich, Tele2 head of sustainability.
  • Manuel Marti, PolicyTracker.

Webinar topics will include:

  • ITU activities on climate change.
  • Policies to ensure that 5G can support emissions targets.
  • New business models and ecosystems that will enable a shift to renewables.

The Greening Spectrum Policy webinar is free and starts at 3 pm BST (4 pm CET; 10 am EDT) on Monday 12 October.

Register here or use priority registration for PolicyTracker paid subscribers.•

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