Verizon policy overview: 5G is their priority
By the end of the year Verizon is promising to launch the first US commercial 5G network for fixed broadband services, followed by mobile 5G services next year. This may not be the world's first 5G commercial network - both Finland and Qatar have claimed that prize - but their offerings are in spectrum around 3.5 GHz. Verizon will be using 28 GHz and 39 GHz, providing a fascinating test…
By the end of the year Verizon is promising to launch the first US commercial 5G network for fixed broadband services, followed by mobile 5G services next year. This may not be the world’s first 5G commercial network – both Finland and Qatar have claimed that prize – but their offerings are in spectrum around 3.5 GHz. Verizon will be using 28 GHz and 39 GHz, providing a fascinating test bed for the commercial possibilities of the mmWave bands.
Unsurprisingly 5G is a current priority for Verizon, but they are also focussed on policy initiatives to boost the speed and capacity of their 4G network.