Spectrum Summit offers first hand insight into German success story
What is the best way of ensuring that vertical industries can get access to 5G spectrum? That is a difficult question which may not have a one-size-fits-all answer.
Is the solution:
- Requiring MNOs to provide services to verticals (France in 3.5 GHz)?
- Local licensing in reserved spectrum (Germany in 3.5 GHz and 26 GHz)?
- A combination of local licensing and sharing (UK in 3.8-4.2 GHz and 26 GHz and CBRS in the US)?
- A pan-European dedicated band for verticals? (Suggested by RSPG in 3.8-4.2 GHz)
Complex policy decisions can’t be reduced to headline-grabbing numbers, but one statistic in this field is impossible to ignore.
Germany has already assigned 123 local licences in 3-7-3.8 GHz and the verticals include Bosch, Daimler, Siemens and BMW. This year’s Spectrum Summit, being held online on June 30 & July 1 is the ideal place to find out more.
There is a session on the German approach and Jonas Wessel from the Swedish regulator, PTS, will explain how his country drew up policy in this area.
Does it matter that there is such a variety of approaches in Europe? This issue will be addressed by Dr. Branimir Stantchev from the European Commission.
There is also a session on balancing the needs of the satellite and mobile communities in C-Band.