
Satellite D2D research note updated

An updated research note providing an overview of the satellite D2D sector has now been added to our Spectrum Research Service.

| Jonathan Watson

As we reported last week, the market for satellite direct-to-device services (also known as satellite direct-to-handset) has evolved a great deal in the last two years.

To take account of this evolution, we have updated our satellite D2D research note. The note was first published in February last year.

It provides an overview of the technology, the companies involved (eight key players are identified) and the spectrum bands they intend to use.

AST SpaceMobile, Lynk and Starlink are re-using terrestrial spectrum already assigned to mobile network operators. Apple, Iridium, Skylo, Echostar and Omnispace are using spectrum identified in the ITU Radio Regulations as mobile satellite service (MSS) spectrum.

MSS spectrum is intended for non-terrestrial use and many established satellite operators already own spectrum licences in these bands.

Each approach has its advantages but also presents complications.

The overall message is that SpaceX is making significant progress but the future may not be so rosy for some of its competitors.

Subscribers to the Spectrum Research Service can check out the updated research note here.


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