
Poll: anti-5G groups are better at campaigning than the wireless industry

Arson attacks on 5G masts, fuelled by misinformation on social media have made policy-makers and the wireless industry reconsider the effectiveness of their own EMF communications strategies. This was the topic of our recent webinar: EMF getting the message across. Your can watch a recording of it by signing up to our free Weekly Spectrum Briefing, and PolicyTracker subscribers can watch it and download the presentations at our webinars archive.…
| PolicyTracker

Arson attacks on 5G masts, fuelled by misinformation on social media have made policy-makers and the wireless industry reconsider the effectiveness of their own EMF communications strategies.

This was the topic of our recent webinar: EMF getting the message across. Your can watch a recording of it by signing up to our free Weekly Spectrum Briefing, and PolicyTracker subscribers can watch it and download the presentations at our webinars archive.

A poll of webinar participants indicated which groups were pursuing effective EMF strategies (see below for full results).

Most respondents thought governments, public health bodies, mobile operators and vendors were performing poorly.

Among industry stakeholders, vendors got the worst score and spectrum regulators got the best.

Perhaps predictably, the anti-5G campaigners were judged the most successful: 23% said they were very effective and 42% said they had performed reasonably well.

But there is certainly hope: the experts in our webinar offer some excellent advice, and operators in Australia and New Zealand report that their innovative techniques have been very successful.

It’s an area where we are doing further work, so we will keep you informed!

Poll results

1. How effectively has your government communicated messages about EMF and health to the general public?

  • Very effectively 0%
  • Reasonably well 46%
  • Poorly 54%


2. How effectively have public health bodies in your country communicated messages about EMF and health to the general public?

  • Very effectively 0%
  • Reasonably well 31%
  • Poorly 69%


3. How effectively has the spectrum regulator in your country communicated messages about EMF and health to the general public?

  • Very effectively 8%
  • Reasonably well 50%
  • Poorly 42%


4. How effectively have mobile operators in your country communicated messages about EMF and health to the general public?

  • Very effectively 0%
  • Reasonably well 42%
  • Poorly 58%


5. In your country, how effectively have mobile equipment vendors communicated messages about EMF and health to the general public?

  • Very effectively 0%
  • Reasonably well 19%
  • Poorly 81%


6. In your country, how effectively have anti-5G campaigners communicated their messages to the general public?

  • Very effectively 23%
  • Reasonably well 42%
  • Poorly 35%


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