Podcast: Why Europe should embrace dynamic spectrum access
Aetha Consulting co-founder Amit Nagpal speaks to PolicyTracker about the importance of dynamic spectrum access.
In the past few years, the US has been at the forefront of new, innovative spectrum access systems. This includes CBRS (Citizen Broadband Radio Service) in the C-band and AFC (Automated Frequency Coordination) in the 6 GHz band.
In the latest episode of the PolicyTracker Spectrum Podcast, we speak to Amit Nagpal of Aetha Consulting, who argues that Europe should embrace these technologies to avoid being left behind.
Amit says that more intensive sharing of spectrum is inevitable in the future, and dynamic spectrum access will be more important. But at the moment, most of the expertise for these technologies remains in the US.
We also discuss why previous iterations of spectrum sharing like TV whitespace failed to take off, and how government-funded spectrum sandboxes can help kickstart innovation in sharing.
Listen to the new podcast below. You can also find it on all major podcast platforms.