Podcast: What is the ITU’s view of 6G and what will it really look like?
In this episode of our ongoing podcast series on WRC-23, we speak to independent analyst Dean Bubley about the recently approved IMT-2030 framework and what it means for the future of mobile communications.
Ahead of the World Radiocommunication ConferenceThe World Radiocommunication Conference (W… late last year in Dubai, the Radio Assembly took place. This is an important event which sets out the structure and work programme of the study groups at the conference.
This year, it also saw the approval of the ITU’s IMT-2030International Mobile Telecommunications (I… framework. IMT-2030, more commonly known as 6G, is the next generation of the mobile communications standard.
In its framework, the ITUThe International Telecommunication U… sets out a broad vision for 6G, describing various use cases and a variety of spectrum needs. Using this document as a guide, in the latest episode of our podcast we speak to outspoken consultant Dean Bubley about 6G and what it may become.
Bubley touches on the importance and challenges of indoor connectivity, the prospect of sub-THz spectrum and the three potential paths that 6G development may follow.
You can listen to the new podcast below. It can also be found on all major podcast platforms.
You can read more about the IMT-2030 recommendation here, and the ITU Radio Assembly here.