Spectrum thoughts
and insights

Satellite D2D gains momentum

The direct-to-device (D2D) market for satellite-to-smartphone connectivity has attracted a lot of attention in recent years.

How does EU spectrum policy work?

That's one of the issues we tackle in our Spectrum Policy 101 podcast by talking to Peter Stuckmann, the head of the Future Connectivity Systems unit at the European Commission.

6 GHz benchmark updated

The 6 GHz band is set to be one of the hottest of the hot topics in the run-up to WRC-23. As our updated 6 GHz benchmark shows, many countries…

Our new podcast: Spectrum Policy 101

For nearly 20 years PolicyTracker has been examining the policy debates behind spectrum management but this year we set ourselves a new challenge. We wanted to introduce the subject to…

Happy holidays to all our readers!

As the Christmas holiday season begins I would like to say thank you to all our readers. Thank you for your support, your thoughts and your feedback which allows us…

Come out and play in the spectrum sandbox

Put simply, a regulatory sandbox enables innovators to trial new products, services and business models in a real-world environment without some of the usual rules applying. They're used in many…

BBC’s all-online wish is likely a distant prospect

The world’s biggest broadcaster will soon move completely online, says the BBC director general, Tim Davie, with terrestrial TV and radio channels replaced by IP services. But how soon? Here…

Spectrum sharing in mmWave bands

Despite a lack of clarity surrounding mmWave use cases and unproven business models, regulators and industry are examining a range of new approaches to mmWave spectrum sharing. UK regulator Ofcom,…