Spectrum thoughts
and insights

The 26 and 28 GHz Benchmark has been updated

The revised Benchmark is based on our research into planned and actual assignments in these two key mmWave bands over the past 18 months. This is compiled into a database…

Private networks benchmark updated

In April 2022, PolicyTracker published a new benchmark that summarised how spectrum was starting to be used for private networks. We have now updated that benchmark to reflect all that…

Band profiles updated for 2023

Spectrum policymakers tend to think of their 5G strategies in terms of three pillars: low-band, mid-band and high-band spectrum.

PolicyTracker’s upcoming training courses

This autumn we are holding three courses: our general policy overview - Understanding Modern Spectrum Management, followed by Valuing the Spectrum and our Auctions Training Course.

The case for the defence (spectrum)

Defence ministries around the world control a significant amount of spectrum. Thanks to advances in spectrum sharing, there is an opportunity to share some of these frequencies with commercial users,…